Saturday, April 9, 2011


I am pretty sure this hasn't been my week but I didn't realize it 'til i have been blogging about some of the happenings...I know, I am a little s-l-o-w!!!

On my way to Seminary Thursday morning, I was at a stop light in a big intersection when suddenly a little car (smaller than mine, believe it or not...) turned into on coming traffic and landed in the lane next to me...she was facing my car..and she was going the wrong direction. I honked my horn ( a favorite thing of mine to do) to let her know..HELLO, WRONG WAY!!! The poor lady was mortified and slowly backed out of the lane and got onto her own side of the road. I looked at the guy next to me and he mouthed "Oh my gosh"! My sentiments exactly!

On the positive side, she didn't pull into my lane!!! That would have really made it a bad day!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh!
    that so would have been me...on mistake obviously but man I am a bad driver (when I am allowed to drive...) but anyways how scary
