Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lost.............but not for long

I have a mustard colored purse that I love! And I love it even more now that I know it can be spotted almost anywhere.
I lost my head for a moment at the mall this week! I walked in to a store, and was so excited to see that a cardigan that I had been looking for was there. I set my pur
se down on the display and right there...I tried that beauty on. I walked to a mirror a short distance away to "survey" and quickly decided that it was going home with me. Then I meandered to another part of the store,my favorite actually, the clearance section!! I held up a few pieces of discounted bliss when all of the sudden it hit me that my mustard colored companion was NOT on my shoulder...I turned to Sheridan in a panic and said "My purse....I don't know where it is!"

We both turned and looked in the direction of the most-sought-after-sweater stand and Sheridan pointed and excitedly exclaimed "there it is".

Do you see him "grazing" amongst the sweaters?????


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahaha I could see the whole thing in my head

  2. These sorts of things cause gray hair. I suggest avoiding them!!
