Friday, May 27, 2011


Does this ever happen to you? You are minding your own business and thoughts just pop into your head? This morning as I was driving to Seminary, and observing the beauty of the outdoors with my sunroof open and windows down, I had a moment just like that.

It was a solemn and reverent moment. I had the warmest feeling come over me and the thoughts that went through my head went something like this: That I have Heavenly Father who made this world and all of His children in it. That this life has a purpose, for everyone. That when this life is over, it's not really OVER...I will continue to live. It is overwhelming to think that Heavenly Father knows and loves each one of us personally, but I know that He does.

I am so grateful for moments like these that offer the assurance of all of great and wonderful things that are ours as His children.

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