Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's almost here...

It is almost Valentine's FAVORITE holiday. Is that weird? Probably. I decorate the house with hearts. Lots of hearts. Paper lantern hearts. Heart-shaped bowls. Hearts that hang. Heart clings. Even heart lights! I set out Valentine candy (that rarely makes it to V-Day!) and I bake sugar cookies and decorate them to give away (of course I have to taste them first to make sure they are fit to give away!)

When the kids were small "Cupid" would come and visit our house all day long on V-Day..and that night, he would ring the doorbell and leave their last goodies of the day on the doorstep! I miss those days.

Show more love. I am going to try and make everyday Valentine's Day!!!!


  1. How special... :0)
    I really mean it!!
    Jenn will you email me
    so I can talk to you about it more.

    love ya

  2. Ha! You sounded like the a good way. Wrapped with ribbons and bows and we had feasts with roast beasts... : ) I miss Cupid- he doesn't come to my house anymore! (I think Derek shoos him away!) I love your post!
