Friday, September 30, 2011

One word: Seminary

I LOVE TEACHING SEMINARY! I really do. Some people think I am nuts. ( I am, but that is not why)!
It is the best calling in the whole church! Who doesn't love spending time with our awesome youth and feeling of their spirits every morning? They are incredible.

I love learning with them and watching them grow spiritually. There is almost nothing in this world like it!

But as a consequence, I don't get too many other things accomplished! I get engrossed in the planning of lessons and activities and reading for fun or perusing the internet to stalk blogs or write on my own doesn't really happen. So when I don't get much done, there is only one word: Seminary!

Oh well. Life is good ! I will keep setting my alarm and crawling out of bed to get dressed up to hurry off to the church to greet my cute little students!

1 comment:

  1. I loved seminary!!!
    even with only 4 of us in it (3 being sisters)
