Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today in Seminary (I am in my 5th year of teaching) we were talking about prayer and how we should have "real"conversations with the Lord, not just quick, get-it-over-with prayers. Someone mentioned that they had a friend that would tell the Lord jokes in her prayers. (I know what you are thinking and don't worry...I was thinking the same thing...WEIRD..) Well, all of the sudden one of my students pipes in and says "I would NEVER think of telling the Lord a joke, he already knows the punch line." HA HA HA HA That was soooo funny.
I LOVE teaching Seminary and I look forward to each morning being able to spend time with the Lords chosen youth! They are keeping my young , in spirit that is...the body is definitely looking and feeling OLD!!!
Hope you got a good chuckle out of this! I know I sure did!


  1. We all laughed...funny funny!!
    it is true -the Lord knows every punchline...

  2. Ha that was a funny story (I know you told me yesterday, but it's still funny ha)
