Thursday, July 7, 2011

Leave it to him...

Man, you gotta love my husband!

I have been feeling like poo lately with a stomach ache to top all stomach aches AND a tired body that doesn't want to be vertical for very long or it starts complaining.

AND I look like poo. You know how it is when you don't feel "right"? You also don't look "right"!!

So today my cute hubby came and sat by me at some point during my migration from couch to couch and said "man, you look so cute today"! What? Me?

Leave it to him to make me feel so good about myself when I don't feel good at all!

Thanks, hon! You made my day. Now, back to the couch.


  1. Aww. : ) Those little comments matter most! You always look nice!

  2. aww you are so sweet! I honestly look like poo. But as long as he thinks not, we're ok!!!
    Thanks for the comment!!
