Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our mailbox

We have one of those kind you have to hike to that has the entire neighborhoods mail slots in it. A locked mail house of sorts. I don't mind. And Scooter LOVES to go with me to get the mail. But this is not the mailbox that I am going to speak of. This story starts with Valentines Day and a clearance item (from Target, of course). I found a red foam mailbox with a FLAG that you lift up when there is mail..well for 50 cents I couldn't help myself. Here is what I thought about. Love notes. I would pen a note to my sweetheart, open the door of the mailbox, put the note in and lift the flag, then I would slide it to his side of the dresser so he knew that he had mail. Then he would pen me a sweet note and back and forth it would go. We've had fun sliding the mailbox back and forth across our dresser. I feel like a gooey teenager again eagerly anticipating a "letter" from the one I love!
I wish I could share with you an example of one of our notes, but as we all know, mail is private!

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